01 Mar Have you received a summons from years ago?
In recent months we have noticed a surge in clients contacting us about traffic and criminal offences from up to 5 years ago!
It would appear that the Prosecution unit are clearing a back log of summons matters that were never finalised back when they first came to court years ago. When a summons matter first comes before the court, if the police have been unable to serve the summons on you then the Magistrate will order a fresh summons to issue. Sometimes if you have moved house (or for any number of reasons) the summons doesn’t get reissued and as a result they don’t get served. This has resulted in a large number of people now being served for traffic or criminal matters that happened years ago.
Should you be captured by this recent clearing of the backlog of summons matters then it is imperative that you contact one of our traffic lawyers or criminal lawyers here in Adelaide. We are specialists in dealing with these matters.
Recent Successes:
We have recently been successful in having a matter dismissed due to its age.
Equally we recently acted for a client who back in 2012 was on her provisional licence. At the time she was charged with driving without due care, however, she never received her summons until 2017! The consequences of her pleading guilty in the ordinary course would have led to a loss of licence and her having to go back on to her provisional licence notwithstanding the fact she had been on her full licence for 3 years! Thankfully our team of specialist traffic lawyers managed to get her a without conviction penalty, with no fine and no demerit points.
Call our traffic and criminal law specialists for a no obligation chat!
There have been other examples similar to the above so call us now to see how we can help you.

Impeccable Reputation
Lawyers specialising in traffic and criminal law, Mangan Ey & Associates stands head and shoulders above Adelaide law firms.

35+ Years Experience
With over 35+ years’ experience, we’ll handle your matter with care, discretion and professionalism in a cost effective and no-nonsense manner.

Award Winning Criminal Lawyers
Our professional legal team has years of experience providing Adelaide locals with dedicated legal service.